Apple co-founder Steve Jobs Passed Away

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

SAN FRANCISCO: Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs, counted among the greatest American CEOs of his generation, died on Wednesday at the age of 56, after a years-long and highly public battle with cancer and other health issues.

Jobs' death was announced by Apple in a statement late on Wednesday. The Silicon Valley icon who gave the world the iPod and the iPhone had resigned as CEO of the world's largest technology corporation in August, handing the reins to current chief executive Tim Cook.

A survivor of a rare form of pancreatic cancer, he was deemed the heart and soul of a company that rivals Exxon Mobil as the most valuable in America.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs holds up the new iPod Nano after introducing it at an event in San Francisco, California in this September 7, 2005 file photo. - REUTERS/Lou Dematteis
''Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve,'' Apple said in a statement announcing Jobs' passing.

''His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts.''

Job's health had been a controversial topic for years. His battle with cancer had been of deep concern to Apple fans, investors and the company's board alike. Over past years, even board members have confided to friends their concern that Jobs, in his quest for privacy, wasn't being forthcoming enough with directors about the true condition of his health.

Now, despite investor confidence in Cook, who has stood in for his boss during three leaves of absence, there remain concerns about whether the company would stay a creative force to be reckoned with beyond the next year or so without its founder and visionary at the helm.

The news triggered an immediate outpouring of sympathy. Among others, Microsoft CEO Bill Gates said he will miss Jobs ''immensely''.



View Hidden Files On Mac

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Run this in the terminal to view hidden files on Mac ..

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true

To hide the hidden files back, run this...

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool false

Relaunch Finder or logout to see the changes


Apple's Next Event to Be Held on October 4, Starring Its New CEO

Tuesday, October 4.
That’s the day Apple is currently expected to hold its next big media event, according to sources close to the situation, where the tech giant will unveil the next iteration of its popular iPhone.
While there have been a lot of conflicting reports about the exact timing of the event, including some that pegged it as taking place this month, AllThingsD had previously posted that the rollout of the iPhone 5 would be in October.
While Apple could certainly change its plans anytime, sources said that the October 4 date has been selected by the company to showcase the iPhone 5. Sources added that the plan is now to make the new device available for purchase within a few weeks after the announcement.
And while the iPhone 5 is a much anticipated handset, the event itself has a lot more importance for Apple than many previous ones.
That’s because it will be newly installed CEO Tim Cook’s first big product introduction and the place where the public will get a first lengthy impression of him that may well set the tone for Cook’s new role.
And that’s why, said sources, although he’s never quarterbacked an Apple product announcement before, Cook is certain to preside over the iPhone 5 rollout.



Create a debug log for objective c project

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This is to create a simple log for debugging purposes in objective C

- (void)debugLog:(NSString*)message
    NSString *ReportPath = /Your path to generate the log/
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    NSString *fileLog = _ReportPath;
    fileLog = [fileLog stringByAppendingString:@"/myLog.log"];

    NSError *error;
    NSFileManager *fileManager = [[NSFileManager alloc] init];

    // if the path was deleted create it again
    BOOL isDir = NO;
    if (!([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:_ReportPath isDirectory:&isDir] && isDir))
        if(![fileManager createDirectoryAtPath:_ReportPath withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:&error ])
            NSLog(@"DNMainController: Error on creating _ReportPath - %@", [error localizedDescription]);

    //if file doesnt exist, create it first for later appending
    if(![fileManager fileExistsAtPath:fileLog isDirectory:NO])
        if(![@"" writeToFile: fileLog atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error]) {
            NSLog(@"UtilClass: Error on creating _DebugLog file - %@",[error localizedFailureReason]);
            [fileManager release];
            [pool drain];
    NSFileHandle *handle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:fileLog];
    if (handle) {
        [handle seekToEndOfFile];
        NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData data];
        [data appendData:[message dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
        [handle writeData:data];
        [handle closeFile];       
    [fileManager release];
    [pool drain];



Netflix says it's sorry, then creates new uproar

Monday, September 19, 2011

The CEO of Netflix said he was sorry for mishandling a recent price increase that caused customers to cancel the service in droves. But the apology was drowned out by a decision that angered subscribers all over again.
The company will split into two services -- one with an odd new name that offers the familiar discs in red envelopes and another for online streaming of TV shows and movies.
The DVD service will be called Qwikster, a name that is supposed to signify a commitment to fast service but quickly became an object of ridicule Monday on the Internet. The streaming service will keep the Netflix name.
Netflix, which had 24.6 million U.S. subscribers at the end of June and is the nation's largest video subscription service, redefined home entertainment over the past decade with its DVDs by mail. Now it's trying to prepare for the day when watching movies on a disc goes the way of driving to the video store to pick up a VHS tape.


'Snake' On Youtube

Monday, January 17, 2011

Do you know that u can play 'snake' in you tube?  After long hours of watching youtube videos, maybe you will need a little break...

  1. Scroll the video bar to 0.00 minutes and hit 'pause'.
  2. Press 'left arrow' on your keyboard.
  3. Simultaneously,  hit the 'up' arrow.
  4. You can start playing now.

Happy trying...


How to uninstall Internet Explorer 9 (beta)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I few weeks back, I've downloaded Internet Explorer 9 beta just for testing purposes. I found out that there's still a few areas of IE9 that need to be fixed, however, performance wise is kindda okay..  So because of this few minor bugs, I decided to uninstall it.

The problem is I can't find it in 'Uninstall a program' section. So I did some googling. Turn out that Windows install IE9 as a Windows updates. So, this is the way to uninstall it...

  1. Click the Windows logo and type ' view installed updates '. Select it in the search result.
  2. When 'Uninstall an Update' screen pops out, scroll down to search for 'Windows Internet Explorer 9'.
  3. Select it and click 'Uninstall'.

and you're done. :)


Apple's 'App Store' Trademark Claim

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Let see if Apple can win this battle... Personally I think 'app store' is a kindda general term but we just have to wait and see the outcome...

Microsoft Fights Apple's 'App Store' Trademark Claim

SAN FRANCISCO (Dow Jones)--Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) is fighting Apple Inc.'s (AAPL) attempt to trademark the term "app store," saying it is a generic term used throughout the technology industry.
Apple originally filed for the trademark in 2008, when the Cupertino, Calif.-based consumer electronics giant launched its app store for the iPhone. Apple said at the time that the app ...


How To Spoof Your MAC Address on Mac OS X

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mac address is a unique identifier for every computer network card. You might want to spoof your mac address sometimes for whatever reasons. So, here are the way to do it. It should works with but not limited to Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, and10.6.

First of all you should take a look on your current MAC address. Launch the terminal and start typing below command and hit 'enter'.

ifconfig en1 | grep ether

You'll  see the result something like this.

ether 00:12:cb:c6:24:e2

So, that's is your mac address. To spoof your MAC address just set it to another hex value in this format : aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff. This is how it's done.
Simply type the following command together with your spoof MAC address. For example :

sudo ifconfig en1 ether 00:e2:e3:e4:e5:e6

Check your MAC address again using this command.

ifconfig en1 | grep ether

You should see your new spoof MAC address..

ether 00:e2:e3:e4:e5:e6

Happy trying


New Tab in Safari By Default

Friday, January 7, 2011

I love Safari but before this, i'm used to chrome and firefox. By default for chrome/firefox, a new tab instead of a new window will popup when we click any external link but this is not the case is Safari. I can see that there's a lot of user searching for the answer on how to make safari open a new tab by default instead of a new window.. So here is the solution.

Just open you terminal , enter this command, hit 'enter' and you're done..

defaults write TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true

If suddenly you're thinking to revert back to its original state, you can enter this command into your teminal..

defaults write TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool false


Windows 8 Setback

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stop buying new software or application for Windows! Microsoft plans to create the next version of Windows to run on ARM chips. This could means that the previous application from previous windows might not be able to run on these new Windows. Users might have to re-buy the apps for it to work with the next Windows. Users are not the only one who will get affected, but the creator or developer of these third parties software might have to re-write their programs again to enable it to run on the next version of Windows. So users!! Get ready.. Better change to linux..

Taken from

'Windows 8' will run on ARM chips - but third-party apps will need rewrite
Microsoft says next version of Windows will run on increasingly popular chip platform, but existing programs won't run without changes


Browser War

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Honestly I'm a fan of Google Chrome. My 2nd choice would be Safari.  Browser war has been around for so many years. As far as I could remember, it started with Netscape, then, IE, then comes Firefox, Chrome and so on. Usually for normal browsing I'll use Safari, for  video streaming i'll use Chrome and for hacking, I prefer Firefox. Every browser has its pros and cons.
Recently, chrome has overtook Safari at number 3, number 2 is still Firefox and the market leader is still IE. However, IE is losing its market share bit by bit. But I guess when IE launch its new browser, which is IE9, a lot of users will revert back to IE due to its new functionalities. It's totally different for previous versions of IE. It's more to Chrome but faster. You can only try the beta version of it for now. Take note that I'm not a IE fan, but I can't denied the good side of IE 9. 
Taken from
Chrome Overtakes Safari In Browser Wars
Google Chrome has overtaken Apple Safari to become the third-largest browser in the U.S., according to December statistics from web analytics firm StatCounter.

Meanwhile, market leader Microsoft Internet Explorer continued to lose the most market share; nearly two percentage points from the month before. Users appeared to be migrating to Google Chrome, which rose 1.55 percentage points, and Safari, which saw a modest 0.24 percent gain.

Globally, Microsoft has even more reason for concern. In Europe, Mozilla Firefox narrowly overtook it to become the most popular browser in the entire continent.

Continue reading at,2817,2375186,00.asp

So which browser is your choice? Do share it with us..


How to install GIMPshop on Mac OS X 10.6.3 (Snow Leapord)

One of the best open source image editor around is GIMP. It similar to Photoshop but of course, it hard to beat the real one. Anyways, a lot of people mentioned that its interface its hard to use. So, somebody modified GIMP and GIMPshop was born. Taken from their website

GIMPshop is a modification of the free/open source GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), intended to replicate the feel of Adobe Photoshop. Its primary purpose is to make users of Photoshop feel comfortable using GIMP.

However, its been a while since they updated their application. So, there are no new version released. This means that it will not be compatible with new mac OS X. I myself is on Mac OS X 10.6.3.

I did some research and found some answer on how to install it on Snow Leopard .

Here how it works. Install the app from their website. And when you open it for the first time, it will crash. The reason are the fontconfig and iconv libraries distributed with GIMPshop are not compatible with the current X11 environment.

Ok.. First u have to built universal variant of Macports.

sudo port install libiconv +universal expat +universal freetype +universal zlib +universal fontconfig +universal

Then remove the offending libraries that come with GIMPshop and replace it with the new one. The library can be downloaded from this website.

sudo rm -f /Applications/*

sudo rm -f /Applications/*

sudo cp libfontconfig.1.dylib libiconv.2.dylib /Applications/

sudo ln -s /Applications/ /libraries/libfontconfig.dylib

sudo ln -s /Applications/ /libraries/libiconv.dylib

This commands should work with Snow Leopard.


Hotmail Lost Email Restored

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yesterday. I post something about hotmail user lost their email and here is the recent update regarding this matter. You can read my previous post at .

Taken from google news..

Microsoft says lost Hotmail e-mails now restored
NEW YORK (AP) — Microsoft Corp. said Monday that it has resolved a glitch that caused some Hotmail users to temporarily lose all of their e-mails.
A chorus of frantic people had posted complaints to the Redmond, Wash.-based company's online message board over the weekend, saying their messages had disappeared. In some cases, e-mails were mistakenly sent to their deleted mail folders.
Microsoft spokeswoman Catherine Brooker said Monday that all the affected users have their e-mails back. On Saturday, she noted that the problem only applied to a limited number of people. Microsoft would not say how many people's e-mails were lost.

Looks like they have resolved everything but still there is no explanation on the cause of the problem.


Ultrasurf Alternative for Mac

Sometimes, every here and there, we need to hide our IP address for whatever reason. The best one for me before this was Ultrasurf. You can just download the package and you can run it straight away without installing it. Furthermore, every browser in the computer will be able to integrate with it automatically.

When I shift to Mac, I've been searching for similar application. The closest that I could find is Tor. Although its not as dynamic as ultrasurf, still it's one of the best. Your can read more or download the app from their website.

If anybody found a better one, do share it with me...


Hotmail bug affected 17000

Monday, January 3, 2011

For the past few days, Hotmail users has been complaining saying that they've lost a few emails in their inbox. Some even have their inbox emptied. Taken from google news..

Microsoft 'sorry' as Hotmail bug hits 17,000
Microsoft has apologized, but not explained why nearly 20,000 Hotmail accounts were mysteriously emptied of their contents during the Christmas holiday.
Corporate vice president for Windows Live Chris Jones blogged on Monday that 17,355 Windows Live Hotmail accounts had lost all their email messages during the course of what he called "mailbox load balancing between servers."
read more at 

Anyway, for now there is no explanation from Microsoft regarding this matter. The big question is, can hotmail users retrieve  their emails back?


Mobile Broadband with Ubuntu

While I was searching for solution to get my  broadband connected to the internet using Ubuntu OS last 2 days, I can see that a lot of people were also in my shoes. So I decided to explain in details how I get to overcome this problem sucessfully.

First of all, I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 but I think this should work for whatever version of ubuntu. Bare in mind, this solution is for model E220 HSDPA modem, but I've heard some feedback that it might work on other modem too. Just give it a try.. Who knows it might work

1. Applications -----> Accessories -----> Terminal

sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
Press ENTER & input your password if neccessary

2. gedit application will pop out end edit it with this
[Dialer Defaults]
Phone = *99***1#
Stupid Mode = 1
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Username = user
Password = pass
ISDN = 0
New PPPD = yes
Baud = 1843200
Init2 = ATZ
Init3 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Modem Type = Analog Modem

Save & Close..

3. Restart

4. Applications -----> Accessories -----> Terminal

sudo wvdial

Press Enter


If u're getting this for ur last few lines, meaning that u are connected

--> Carrier detected. Starting PPP immediately.
--> Starting pppd at Fri Apr 24 09:37:23 2009
--> Pid of pppd: 7864
--> Using interface ppp0
--> local IP address
--> remote IP address
--> primary DNS address
--> secondary DNS address
5. Final step.. Open your firefox..

Press File option and uncheck 'work offline' checkbox. You can now start surfing

If you're getting this error message

--> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory
--> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory
--> Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory

Plug off your modem and plug in back.. wait for 10 seconds and start redialing again. Everything should works fine..


Android Virus

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Android users warned about Geinimi trojan

Consumers using smartphones that operate on Google's Android platform are being warned of a malicious program that could compromise data stored in their phones.Geinimi is a new type of trojan, a program that is embedded in applications and operates without the user's knowledge, according to Lookout Mobile Security, a company that specializes in protecting smartphone users.
"The trojan that we're talking about is the most sophisticated Android malware we've seen," Lookout's chief technology officer, Kevin Mahaffey, told CBC News.
According to the company, the malicious software is being grafted into repackaged versions of legitimate applications, primarily games. So far, it has only been found in third-party Chinese android app markets.
Read more:

It's said that the virus is bundled with certain games that can be downloaded through the internet. It seems like now is the time for anti-virus creator to make some  money..


iPhone Bugs

Quoted from CBC News on January 2nd 2011...

Apple's iPhone alarm glitch hits users

Many iPhone customers had some explaining to do after they overslept to start the new year, due to a glitch in the gadget's alarm clock feature.
Users who set their iPhone alarm for a single wake-up rather than recurring use found the alarm didn't go off with the year's arrival, Apple Inc. spokeswoman Natalie Harrison said Sunday.
A fix is in the works, and all iPhone alarms will work properly starting Monday, she said.

Read more:

Even iPhone programmers make mistakes......


Solution for sudo: port: command not found (Mac)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

 This is one of the solution for this famous error message .. 

sudo: port: command not found
I encountered this problem when I first install macports into my macbook. FYI, I'm running on OS   X10.6.3 (Snow Leopard). After the installation I tried to run this code but it return the error as above.


Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

I'm fairly new to MacBook. I've used Windows all my life until one day, I decided to try out the most powerful OS in the world and I'm glad I did. Now, I don't have to worry about the small things especially about the virus. But Anyhow, I can't seems to remember all Mac keyboard shortcuts which are very useful sometimes. So here it is ...


Happy New Year

Hello there.. As you all can see, this is my first post on this blog. Let me share with you why this blog is created. I have this 9-6 job as a small time programmer in small company. During my free time, I love to read and try out anything related to computers and coding. So, sometimes, along the journey, I stumbled upon new techniques or tricks. However, when I need to use certain techniques, I seems to forget it. I can't recall everything instantly and its hard to google it around everytime.

So, this blog will serve as my small notebook where I'll keep everything that I found. Thus, when I need something, I don't need to go far. I hope this blog, somehow, will also benefits my readers. If you have anything on your mind or any question regarding my post, do share it in my comment place.  I'll really appreciate it.

By the way, Sharing is Caring...

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